07 January 2015

We Have Moved

The ScrumCast has moved!!


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22 July 2014

The Scrum Cast Ep.38

We're getting down to the nitty gritty in this episode in which Nosrek and Bloodrath debate table theory with the rest of us.  Also we argue about Borka2... and is that a dog bark?

Episode 38

You can find our friend Bloodrath over at Handcannon Online.

Note: Our Feed is still having issues but the link to each cast should be working correctly.   If you don't like it then... please help us fix it :)

09 June 2014

The Scrum Cast Ep.37

After an extended vacation Blah has finally posted up the pre Lock and Load musings of a Seattle Local favorite and our own Rainbow of the Kriels Goris discuss the possibilities that we all know as reality.

Episode 37 

07 May 2014

The Scrum Cast Ep.36

Join us this time as we talk about how Horgle is pretty ok. We have some crazy ideas about hot shot and found out I simply can't read. We also talk about the elusive third list. Learn how we pair Runes what X and win!  Enjoy the listen this week!

Scrumcast Episode 36

21 April 2014

The Scrum Cast Ep.35

A little delayed but we talk post IMC battle reports and other general ramblings. Listen to how Goris fails and Sid Triumphs in a Troll on Troll slug match!

Scrumcast Ep35

02 March 2014

The Scrum Cast Ep.34

It stews and ferments and gains strength with time... or stagnates.  Either way you skin it, episode 34 is up and ready to listen to.  We talk shop about upcoming events as well as a new painting competition.  Come have a listen and polish up yer cabers boys... it's go time.

Episode 34

04 December 2013

The Scrum Cast Ep.33½

Dust off yer MP3 players folks The Scrumcast is back ahead of Schedule with a extra special episode featuring a few of our new authors.  We talk shop with Britts, Aussies and one crack pot. Come take a listen and revel in the glory that is grand hyperbole!

Episode 33 

We Have Moved

The ScrumCast has moved!! to http://handcannononline.com/blog/category/podcasting/scrumcast/ This page will automatically redirect...