Here at the Scrum we strive to bring you all things excellent with Trollbloods... heck we even try to bring you tasty tidbits from all Hordes and Warmachine. In our pursuit of this goal we have provided you all with the glory of listening to some of us ramble on about the goings on in the Trollblood universe. We bring you the first, and hopefully not last, ScrumCast!! Hang on to your kilts, tie down your Axes, keep your hands, feet and tentacles inside the cart at all times and enjoy the ride.
In this Feature packed Pocast we have for you:
- A super special Guest!
- Introductions for all our contributors
- News Pertaining to Troll Releases
- Domination and Wrath Discussion
- Lock n Load Reflections
- Warlock Spotlight by Mike Davies
- Masters Tournament Format Discussion
(Note Audio streams from both ears, if you have one ear you will only hear some of us... TrollbloodScrum, quietly discriminating against headphone listeners who only use one ear since 608 AR)
Episode 1
30 August 2011
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We Have Moved
The ScrumCast has moved!! to This page will automatically redirect...

We're getting down to the nitty gritty in this episode in which Nosrek and Bloodrath debate table theory with the rest of us. Also we a...
Episode 28 Cygnar?!:??@?#$#@!!??
We're Locked and Loaded, listen on for this Lock and Load Primer with a few small goodies for some select few attendees that play games...